vi∙car∙i∙ous adj taking the place of another thing or person; substitute   

If you talk to a quilt shop owner, you will probably find that it was their love of quilting and fabrics that moved them to open a quilt shop in the first place. Then, after opening a shop, most of their time went to working the shop and helping other quilters instead of doing the actual quilting that they love. I’m trying to strike a balance.  

Design Board Improv Patchwork

Mom's Improvisational Patchwork using jane's scraps.

I have an alarm I used to set. It reminded me to stop working and start quilting. I turned it off at least six months ago, maybe longer. There are dozens of reasons why my focus is on things other than the project ideas in my head and heaps of UFOs (Un-Finished Objects for the uninitiated) waiting for me: updating listings, paying bills, filling orders, talking to Mom, playing with Fancy, taxes, global pandemic… I even have a quilt hanging on a display rod, with the quilting finished and the binding sewn, but missing half the appliques, so I can’t neglect to finish it! So, I reset my alarm… and ignore it.  

UPO already on display!

UFO already on display.

I have a design board on my living room wall, the spot where most people have their TV.  I like to watch my quilts, "changing the program" by adding  and removing fabric.  It is there so I will be inspired to design and sew, have easy access to the creative process. 

Design Board with quilt ready for piecing.

Design Board with quilt ready for piecing.

I took the advice of a guitar teacher who instructed students to not put the instrument in its case but leave it out. “If you can’t see it, you won’t practice.” By the way, the guitar did not leave its case for years, so I donated it. I will confess that currently my sewing machine has a layer of dust. And there are 9, nine, yes NINE quilts pinned to my design board ready to quilt, left there for inspiration that are also a bit dusty. I have more hung in closets and folded in drawers. 

Design Board with 9 UFOs

Design Board with 9 UFOs!  They are doubled up. 

So, I have learned to quilt vicariously. There is no shame in this, we all do it. We all have that stash of magazines, books, favorites, thumbs up, Pinterest Boards, watch later videos; all ready to inspire our next great quilt. And don’t deny it, you have the fabric too. A Fat Quarter Bundle, a stash of ½ yard cuts, a Jelly Roll or three (I even had them before I learned to sew, they make outstanding decorations) each saved for a specific idea or waiting to inspire us to profundity.  

Official Fabric Sniffer with her new order.

CUSTOMER PHOTO:  Official Fabric Sniffer inspecting her new Stash!

Me, I get the extra bonus of seeing the fabric stashes of other quilters. An order will come in and Mom and I ooh and ahh at combinations of colors and fabrics. Then we are like little girls trying to guess the project. Will they be used together? Is each fabric for something different? Wow look at that! What a great idea! I hope they send a photo. I get the satisfaction of inspiration and the fun of creativity without the responsibility or the need to follow through.   Thank you quilters and creaters of the internet!  

fancy DIY:  Love how this customers use of a single feature fabric to create a focal point!

CUSTOMER PHOTO:  fancy DIY:  Love this customer's use of a feature fabric to create a focal point!

So, until I have the time to finish my UFOs and start on the ideas germinating in my head I will continue to celebrate with a little vicarious quilting!  We post customer photos, regular Etsy updates, fabric order photos and our own finished projects in our gallery, to inspire you with a little Vicarious Quilting.     

Floral Fat Quarter Inspiration!

ORDER PHOTO:  Floral Fat Quarter Inspiration!

fancy jane